Report: ‘On the Horizon’ – providing actionable insights into upcoming innovative medicines and their costs
The purpose of the ‘On the Horizon’ report
In June 2022, the Zorginstituut Nederland issued the 10th update of the ‘’Horizonscan medicines’’. Since 2018, the Horizonscan provides a publicly accessible overview of medicines that are expected to appear on the Dutch market within the coming two years. Included in this database are new, proprietary medicines; indication extensions of existing medicines; generics; and biosimilars. For most of these medicines, information on the mechanism of action, expected patient volume, treatment value, registration date, and budget impact is stored.
Actionable insights, better connected
The LOGEX Life Science team analysed the datasets of the last five Horizonscan publications and shared their actionable insights in the On the Horizon report that can be downloaded on this page. These insights range from the number- and budget impact of new medicines coming to market per disease domain and registration phase, to the mapping of the pharmaceutical interest in new therapy types such as CAR-T. Specifically for the ARWEN disease areas, the expected total annual healthcare costs and hospital budget impact of the most expensive drugs are described.

The Horizonscan plays an important role in informing healthcare stakeholders about the changing medicines landscape. In our ‘On the Horizon’ report, we look back on the past five editions and provide some actionable insights on the health and budget impact of the included innovative medicines for the coming years.
Jan van der Eijk, Principle of Life Science
Takeaways from the report
- The number of innovative medicines is still growing every year, especially in the domains of oncology and haematology
- Over the past years, the number of drugs for lung diseases such as asthma and COPD has decreased significantly, whereas the number of infectious disease drugs has seen rapid growth, fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Still, no new medicines are expected for dementia and other mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia, despite ever-rising healthcare costs
- It is expected that new lung cancer medicines, among which durvalumab, as well as innovative therapy types such as CAR-T therapies, will have the biggest hospital budget impact in the coming year.
Expected annual hospital budget impact of the most expensive drugs with registrations in the coming year
Filter: Top 10 expected most expensive new medicines and indication extensions
Diseases: ARWEN focus areas (lung cancer, breast cancer, AML, CLL/CML, skin diseases)
Timeline: Expected registration from June 2022 to June 2023

As a closing chapter, the role of real-world data in monitoring the use of innovative medicines in the real world is elaborated. An illustrative example of how within our Actionable Real World Evidence Network, real-world evidence is used to increase patient access to innovative medicines, and thereby improve health outcomes, is described as well.
‘On the Horizon’ report
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